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Was not expecting memory lane to hit me this way, but here we are! Thank you for remastering this, coming across it really brightened my day

nice game

Classic, it's been so long since I've seen this game..

It's a really nice game


Still a classic, loved this one 15 years ago and I love it now.

how do i get i am your moon

put the girl on the moon


I first played this back in 2008 when I was 12. It was the first of the artgames I remember playing, and really influenced me. Now I've got a BFA in Game Design and I'm working on an MFA in order to be a games academic. Actually just shared this game with one of my professors to incorporate into a class. So thanks for remastering this and making it available to all!


I got all 6 endings :D
Great game (:

im a lil dump for all ending but its cute


This is a great little game! I love the art and had a blast trying to figure out how to get all of the endings. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the secret ending despite watching two walk throughs, unfortunately :(


thank you so much for keeping this game alive!!!


I played this way back when! Thanks for rereleasing it.


how do you get the last one? I have tried everything I could think of and cannot seem to get it.


great game btw


You have to get rid of the boat, the moon, the boy, the girl, the bird, and the shooting star.

I put the boy and girl on the moon, caught the shooting star and used it to blow up the boat, then when the moon was sinking in the water I placed the boy and girl on the bird, deleting it. Once the boy and girl fell into the water I got the acheesement.

I'm sure you've gotten it by now, but to get All Empty, you place them both on the moon to drown them, and them catch the shooting star and use it to blow up the bird


No way, I remember playing the original game way back! What a fun surprise seeing it again :D

Still just as great as I remember it being :)

What's pico doin' there? 

Anyways, I got all 6! I loved the game!

got everything nice. plays out like a brilliant logical puzzle. Reminds me of the river tiger and goat puzzle

It's still so peak after all these years

if you were the moon you'd be a sphere by then

6 of  6

Screenshot 2024-04-30 6.27.18 PM.png


awesome game

Recognized immediately the style of Today I die that I played back in the day.

What a throw back, thank you for preserving these games!

6/6 gg


6 of 6 ez

I'm a tad frustrated that All Empty has to be so specific. I assume it includes the shooting star because I got rid of the moon, boat, girl, boy and bird....


to the moon?


To the moon, though!


I remember play this game around 2009. Glad to see on itchio

I don't know how to get 'Bring Me The Moon' or the secret ending, pls help 

(1 edit) (+2)

For Bring Me The Moon, you're supposed to grab the moon when it's in the background and give it to the boy.

If I remember correctly, BURNED! was the secret ending. It was recently removed.


Loved the original, love the new version <3


Qué belleza. Eso sí, tratando de conseguir All Empty me saltó un final "undefined". Me salta siempre que quemo algo con el meteorito. El indicador le suma 1 al contador de finales, pero no marca ninguno de los que hay en la lista.

This was and still is one of my favorite flash games from back in the day, thank you so much for putting this on here!



I love this game ❤️


Después de platinar storyteller y disfrutarlo un montón, lo último que pensé fue que iba a ser del mismo creador con el disfruté hace más de 10 años este juego en un navegador. Sos un genio, chabón. Éxitos en tus próximos proyectos

I played this for hours as a child, along with a very old prototype of storyteller. It made me realize how many things you could really do with games.

I don't know I play this game for full ending, lmao

Fa, me acuerdo de jugar esto en newgrounds como hace 10 años, ni sabía que eras argentino jaja





omg throwback

Un clásico!! rejugando otra vez!!  Gracias che.


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