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What's up the "Future Generations" achievement? I've never come across that egg and I don't see it in the Monsternomicon

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)


There is a space next to the Dragon, randomly chosen from the 8 adjacent spaces, that contains an egg. It registers as a 0, so you have to get kind of lucky to isolate it from regular blanks near the dragon, that or you just avoid breaking 0s near the dragon entirely. If you break it, you can get a free 3 exp, but if you preserve it to the end, you get the achievement.

(1 edit) (+1)

There is a way to make it less random if you’re just going for the Future Generations achievement


Leave the squares around the dragon unclicked unless you know for certain they contain a monster. When you get the blue orb scroll, don’t use it. Save it for close to the end and if it has nowhere else to proc, it will reveal the squares around the dragon.

Oh, I didn't know that! I'll be sure to try that on my next three-stamp attempt. Thank you!

(1 edit)

It’s not a slamdunk with the three stamp attempt, because you likely won’t have enough hearts to clear the board unless you’re very careful about only spending hearts on unrevealed monsters (vs the slimes that get revealed by the slime mage scroll).

I found the best strat for the three stamp run is to restart the game (you can just press R for a quick reset) until you get a favorable starting reveal. Ideally you want the mice to limit the search area for the rat king to no more than 3 columns or, ideally, indicate the exact column it’s in. Otherwise it’s almost impossible not to accidentally click on unrevealed mice as you work your way through the board.

This is big brain


I have absolutely been in love with this game since I stumbled across it at 1.0. I love the challenge of it and all the secret tricks of the monsters, giving you the tools to solve otherwise impossible scenarios using logic. It's very satisfying and I keep the tab open because I want to play it again and again. Just now I finished a run, challenging myself to get three stamps in one go. Excited to see what else comes out of this game, thank you for all your hard work.




How do you get a clear board stamp with the other stamps? Isn't clearing the board mutually exclusive with not killing rats/egg/lovers?


This is the summary of stamps got from previous games. So these stamps were getted from multiple games, at least 2.


noooo this is so sad 😭😭😭 

i've killed everyone, but at what cost?

Is it harder to get a perfect score on the new version? I can beat the game but I'm struggling to perfect it.

Not sure how easy/hard the older versions were, though I do now get a clear on almost every run, and those come with max clears rather easily. If I don't clear, it is typically because I made a calculation mistake and stumbled onto an unintended high level monster.

It does feel quite balanced to me in the sense that in the beginning it felt hard ("how is it even possible"), but after mastering the decisions to make, it becomes easy. Very much like FTL or Into the Breach. At this point I wish there was a Hard mode.


Where can I find the newer version for download? When I click on the "Download Now" Button it shows me only the version 1.0.0.


For anyone wanting to download and launch the game locally, you will need to install a web server.

One way to do this is to download the Python programming language for your OS,  open a command prompt window in the Dragonsweeper folder, and type "python -m http.server --bind 8000".

Then point your web browser at


Been thoroughly enjoying the game! I see people talking about achievements, and I managed some of them, but is there a full list anywhere?


check the second page on the almanac

(1 edit)

Sorry, there's, there's multiple pages in the almanac???



Oh whoah wait update? 8D Oh damn we have a P9 now oh no!! [excited]


Finally! I've been playing this game for weeks, and to finally beat it feels so good. It's so challenging, yet so addictive. Great job!


Thanks for fixing the max score stamp and nice touch with the new endgame screen for it!


Super game, great work! - still discovering clever details


This is a lot of fun. Really enjoy this game. Thanks for sharing.


I have a nit about the game. I played the original a lot and liked the music, but I find that the music cuts out and is silent for awhile before anything happens. It would be more enjoyable to have the music going on.


I found it to be surprisingly enjoyable that the music was paced like that, since it added to the calm paced tone of the game. And it really helped avoid the music from becoming so repetitive as quickly as it would, had it played on a loop.

(1 edit) (-1)

Can it only run in browser? Download doesn't include an exe.
If no, you can't save your progress (stamps)?

I guess you need app

It saves them in local storage, you can toggle them in your browser's dev tools.


Really enjoyed this and have been playing on and off all day. Love the riff on classic Minesweeper!

Deleted 34 days ago

as you dig towards them they make more ?s though


love it! great art, great concept :)

It really is!
Some of the sprites are from a really nice set by Oryx


Look like v1.1.18 fixed the "full clear" stamp.  The maximum score is now 365.  And when you get a full clear you get an ominous poem, which ends with a suspiciously purple question mark.  I wonder if it's yet another hint...


Interestingly I tried a run without a full clear and still got that ominous poem. Perhaps it's just level-based.
In that run I left both gazers alive which had no special effect.

The poem changes if you have a full clear stamp, whether it's on this run or not.

The background image also changes, from Jorge slaying the dragon to him standing on a pile of corpses.


amazing game. I love minesweeper, and you managed to make it more fun and exciting. It's brilliant!


I need a version that is easy to play on my Steam Deck immediately, please.


Given how important, or is it? Preserving healing scrolls are, healing scrolls that come from chests should have some mark for it, given how monsters behave because of chests?

I think I messed up once because I forgot one of the scrolls came from a chest instead of being initially there?


Wow, this is such a cool concept. Being a long time minesweeper dude I got hooked immediately. And although I didn't really get it at first, after many tries it clicked and eventually I got through. Also, very nice pixel art!


This game is great!!


Phenomenal game. Add some difficulty levels, maybe keep the unit count on screen, and start selling!


Nice! It's not as hard if you get the rat king early but I still had to guess on where the gnome was in the end.


Does Rat Pacifist require you to not kill any rat, or can you kill them if you don't collect the gold? I can't work out how to not hit them by accident why exploring. If there are 2 squares which have 5 power between them I can't see if it is 5 and 0, or 4 and 1, or 3 and 2.


Looks like you're not allowed to even touch the rats, except the rat king.  So you have to be very lucky and find him near the start, kill him, and leave all the others be.


Oh, that's so good to know, without that info it's near impossible to do with sparing the rat king too. That should be clearer in the stamp description


"rat pacifist" was the name given by the community for the challenge run, but I wonder if "rat liberation" or something would be more apt


Great game!

(1 edit) (+3)

I love the 1.1.17 update, including all the new monsters and new behavior.  I like the current level of challenge, but I'm stuck on two of the achievements (stamps).

The "board clear" seems like it's just bugged -- I cleared the entire board including the dragon at the end, got max score, but nothing happened.

For rat pacifist... I made a dozen attempts already and none of them succeeded.  I already learned the secrets of the rat king, but they seem useless if I'm not allowed to touch any of the rats.  Is there any consistent way to get this done, even a tenth of the time, without being extraordinarily lucky?    [Update two hours later]:  I got it!  The name was apparently confusing, and killing the rat king is still allowed.


For context (and vague spoilers) -- I already know the secrets of the... rats, gargoyles, minotaurs, guardians, purple slimes, lovers, mine king, rat king, beholder, purple mage, chests, gnome (maybe).  I hope there's something to discover about skeletons, bats, or green slimes, but so far they seem completely random to me (identical except for their power level, before the slime scroll).


What is the rule for gargoyles, minotaurs, guardians and chests? I havent noticed anythkng for them


Gargoyles come in pairs

Minotaurs are always guarding a chest

Guardians are in 4 corners represented by there shields

Chest are always close to a minotaur exept the mimic

Deleted 34 days ago
Even more info about the last one Chests are always *​behind*​ the minotaur, in the 3 squares to the left or right of the minotaur, depending on his facing.

I started noticing everything except the guardians shortly after asking lol

skeletons bats and green slimes are filler afaik


just a suggestion - I love the music to the game, and there's a part where it cuts out and goes silent for a couple minutes. Would appreciate if the music looped more smoothly.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Absoluta fantastic tactics game!

I will come back for every update.


Does the clear the board stamp not trigger on v1.1.17?, because I finally got the maximum 365 points for this version and it didn't happen for me. (The other stamps are working.)

It's fixed on v1.1.18. Yay!

I managed to get a full clear with 7 hp remaining too!


So close!


You got a Ars Technica article! Congrats!

great game!

Would be awesome if there were a way to mark tiles on iPad (where no shift click or right click is available).


Yeah, long press works on my android phone in Chrome but not on my Kindle Fire 10 with Chrome 🤷

long press works on my iphone, haven't tried ipad

Thanks. You're right, the long press works for me on iPhone, but alas not on iPad.


Is this you? It looks like someone has reserved an iOS app for this game.  If it was not you, you might want to submit a complaint to Apple

There's also a different website that comes out #1 in a Google search. 😡


I think the website is from him but I might be wrong, lets wait for his response though because the one in appstore is definitely not by Daniel Benmergui


That, and the description is copied fron vanripper’s Awaria

clearly a rip. weird developer name, incorrect description, outdated graphics


Cool game, I've been playing it a lot when I got some time to kill. Managed to get a good time too.


Won the updated version with 349 instead of the complete 362. Not having played the previous version would've helped, because I thought killing the dragon would've ended the game. I almost won once, after killing everything but the walls but not enough HP for the dragon! heh

(4 edits) (-3)

I also checked out the updated version. Well; it's even harder. Are there some good tips here?

Yeah there are some patterns, I see now, but I don't think I would notice many of them without diving in comments or something, I guess minesweeper-like games are too hard for me

(3 edits) (+5)(-1)

It only looks like RNG because you’re not observing enough of the hidden patterns. Those things provide you with the additional information you need to make logical deductions.

For instance, below is a spoiler about Gargoyles..


Gargoyles always (unless bugged) appear in pairs and face towards each other

Or a question you could ask yourself about Guardians

Spoiler 2

How many Guardians are there? Notice anything about their shields? Where do they appear?

Or a question you could ask yourself about mice

Spoiler 3

Is there any significance in the direction the mice face in?

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”

Thanks for the update, Daniel!

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