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(1 edit) (+1)

What an absolutely fantastic puzzle game. I haven't had a game melt the hours away like this in years. Holy smokes. The only complaint I have is that I can't play it on my phone.


Took a while but I finally got 303 yay! 🥰

HOWWW????? My max is 275 and I cannot beat it for the life of me, how????

Mine is 190, what are you talking about lol

click on the wall tiles
they're hiding some coins

Some tips:

- Some monsters appear in certain patterns! There is one that's always in the corner of the grid. There is one that is always surrounded by 5 purple slimes.

- Walls are breakable and can help you level up.

- Once you defeat the L11 monster and get the scroll, you can defeat the L100 monsters!

AMAZING game!!!

Took a few tries but I finally got 303.

(2 edits)

I've spent HOURS on this and i can not win. It's so good. So hard though. I would love a deeper take on it, it definitely feels like a lot of the randomizations are not possible. But I also am awful at it so who knows. Maybe an easy mode for people like me would be nice.

Also a rewind button would be truly amazing. I'd totally pay for an upgraded version of this with more stuff and I've been passing it around to lotsa people and they all love it!


(1 edit)

image.png T_T (miscalculated by one heart)

Brilliant game!, great job!

Outstanding game, really requires a mix of luck and understanding what the different monsters do through trial and error. Very addicting!

I am liking this game, but I cannot figure out why some squares display a question mark. Is one of the monsters causing this?


Check the monsternomicon. It should catch your eye there.

If this does not help, check the other comments here.

Yes, one with an HP of 5. Listed as ? remaining in monster list. Is at the center of the ? tiles.

Look at the game over screen, its the beholder

I think that I cleared a minotaur but the game did not subtract its value from my HP. Is this a bug or behaviour to be observed?


Loved this neat little game! Big ups to everyone involved! You all crushed it!



took a couple runs to win.

i wisely decided not to check what the mimic does and just left the spot with a 10 value unexplored.

killed the dragon with one heart left unpicked  and no life which is close enough to ideal for me, some luck with finding the loot pinata or the walls that break in less hits then the coins they give could improve this by a bit but i got two early 3 coin walls and the pinata reasonably early so thats good enough. 

What a great little game though my score on first win was a paltry 186!


AlfoFish I did it!
I finished  the game with one heal and six hearts left.



Cool game! I'd love to see other difficulty levels and/or some continuation too!


Very fun! 10/10 game, I'm awful at it though!


Went back and got the 303, good game!!!!

(2 edits) (+1)

Bug: I get a the game window just goes black when I click "Run game" on Firefox. Works fine on Chrome. Works now that I rebooted my PC

Great game otherwise! Love the little things to notice while dead. Clearly wishing for more!

I'm on Firefox and having no issues. Might be an extension you're using?

I rebooted my PC yesterday night because Firefox displayed PDFs as just black. So probably the same problem. Now the game works on it. Weird!


Really fun!

Top tier game design. And the music is inexplicably good.

Love the Jorge button detail. Hope that it gets animated when he's in trousers.


Okay so, the highest value (excluding mines of course) is sixty seven for big slime next to lich

Lich (11) + 2 big slimes (16) + 3 minotaurs (21) + mimic (10) + snake (6) = 67

Dragon (15) + 3 minotaurs (21) + 3 snakes (18) + mimic (10) = 64

3 big slime (24) + 3 minotaurs (21) + mimic (10) + snake (6) = 61

3 minotaurs (21) + mimic (10) + 4 snakes (24) = 55


My first win was a perfect win!

Great game

Fantastic game! Really enjoyed this a lot.


Yeeeeeeh! Finally!


Very entertaining! My girlfriend and I defeated it a couple of times. Now we are waiting for a 2.0.0. release!


loved the game, finally got 303 

What a beautiful game, congratulations mr sr guy gal, you are awesome!


is 303 the maximum score??

I think so. However, I have cleared the board a couple times with a score of 302.


(1 edit)

This game is great. My score is 297 points and one class skipped from school so far.

Edit: got 303 :D

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

This is a brilliant game! However, I found a bad animation bug. When the XP meter fills, it starts animating. However, xpAnimation[] is getting absolutely flooded. I think there is logic to prevent elements from being added if they're are already in xpAnimation[] but it is not working. Every update another N elements get added, where N equals the size of the XP bar. In moments there are thousands of elements in it. This consumes a ton of CPU time. Once the player levels up, xpAnimation[] is cleared and everything runs smoothly again.


Yes, it will be fixed in the upcoming update

(1 edit) (+1)

omg i had to try so many times and finally got it. this is such an amusing take on minesweeper. loved it


I love this game, it took me like 2 hours to get through it but it was worth it!  I cannot stop playiing till defeating the dragon.


yeah, finally!


Such a cool game. Also the music goes so hard, please release it somewhere

this is actually so peak dude


I did it!

Finally got 303.  There is a trick... or at least a realization that escaped me for the whole game, since nowhere it is said that you can do that.  If you are stuck at 280 something, a hint: see the screenshots of the people that got a perfect score.  What is missing?

Amazing game! It took me a few tries to grasp the mechanics, but after that I was hooked.

I’d definitely pay a few bucks for a mobile version.

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