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Super addicting and made for speedrunning!

awesome game, it's so addicting to play! 

I can't recommend it enough!

(2 edits)

finely max score
Can you reveal all the rules? I don't understand of the rat's rule and bomb guy


Very addicting! A little bit of a learning curve but once I got the hang of it I couldn't stop playing.

Final Score: 303. Thanks! that was fun

enjoyed this immensely, great work <3

Nice take on the classic.

I keep getting suck on the debug screen

(1 edit) (+2)

No le agregues tutoriales. La experiencia de no entender nada al principio y después ir empezando a vislumbrar es maravillosa.

Por ahora, llego a solamente a 302. Hay algún truquito que no descubrí...

Me encantó. Te felicito. Nueva adicción desbloqueada.

EDIT: ¡Lo logré! 303. A jugarle a la quiniela.

Nice puzzle game. Love the new minesweeper ideas. It took me a few runs to understand the game's strategy especially the character level up and how to better use the character's health (since you get a free heal when leveling up).

The game could really use a simple ingame tutorial. The text in the book about leveling up can be easily missed at the bottom (maybe move it at the top and make it BOLD?)

Amazing game!!

Took me a while, but I finally managed to clear the board :D

Took me a few try, but i sweeped the dragon.

Really cool and hard game! I lose on the mimic that I forgot about, AAAAAAhhhh...

(1 edit) (+1)

Dang. It starts out feeling totally random, and by the end you've figured out how to ride the probabilities. Really fun.

Beating the dragon is VERY satisfying. I was finding secret mechanics even in the final ten turns.

Tengo una adicción no muy sana con este juego. 10/10 excelente experiencia


can you put a download for it

(1 edit)

Oh this is absolutely fantastic. Won with 220, excited to go for a higher score soon!

Edit: gyahahaha came SO CLOSE to a perfect game, this game rules.

36 grados, tomando mate amargo, apretando en cualquier lado, si no' matamo', no' matamooooooooooo' /// Buenísimo Daniel!!


aaaaaa tan cerca

The Monsternomicon gives a quantity of each enemy, but I don’t know how to track how many, for example, skeletons are left on the field because all evidence of them is erased after the diamonds are collected. Am I supposed to keep track with pencil and paper?


Book tells you their current amount

Ah, so it does! Don’t know how I missed that. I wonder, though, if it would be worth having a way to count Xs automatically?


Great game!

I only lost 2 level 3 to max score, it's possible?

Oh man, defeating the 11 guy was such a cool surprise. Great mechanics all around -- the 100s were a good choice. High score: 302


Finally got 303! Just took a couple more tries.

Muy entretenido! Primera vez que gano con 187. Ahora a mejorar puntaje. Gracias Dani!


A fun variant, took me a few runs to understand the strategy but then it was fairly smooth. I got 241 on my second completion, but I realized I could have squeezed a few points more out if I hadn't misspent one of my hp and remembered to kill a bat before the dragon.
Comparing it to Mamono Sweeper, I feel like this variant is a lot less predictable. This is good in that it opens up potential gambles and new strategies while MS pretty much always plays the same, but bad in that your starting cells extremely dictate how the match will feel. An early gnome or gold chest could catapult you ahead of the level curve, while an early witch, rat king, or bubble spell gets you a lot of information. Said information is extremely important, so early beholders can change starts a lot too.
With a larger grid I wonder if it would be more stable, either way it was a fun play.

Perdí un par de horas de trabajo, pero al fin...


Y ahí pude llegar al 302!

(1 edit) (+4)

Beat it on my third try with 131, though i'm not totally sure what points are. Fun game! And a worthy homage to Mamono Sweeper, which everyone who enjoyed this should try.

However, I'm very upset about one thing: I played for a long time assuming that extra XP was wasted, and that was the reason why XP sits in piles you have to collect: An interesting tradeoff between exploring now, and possibly not having the right denominations of XP later. But then I was forced to take extra once and found out it carries over, making the piles of XP on the ground completely pointless. I really think it would be a lot more interesting if XP didn't carry over!

Yeah, I thought as well that XP didn't carry over. Was more challenging and interesting.


MI primer  puntaje 187 con el juego finalizado

Y... no (no se como explicarlo), no usé diamantes de sobra cada vez que subía de nivel. Luego entedí que los extra no se perdían sino que quedaban para la siguiente ronda.


I love new minesweeper variants.


Lots of fun!


Took some time but it was fun.

The right click could use a menu or faster method for marking the threat level

Whew. Took a few tries, but then had some room to spare on the last one. "Look at patterns when dead." sounds funny, but a very important tip!


This is really cool, I'm instantly hoked


Very neat, still felt really strongly of minesweeper despite all the extra mechanics. Took me a couple of tries, but once I'd figured the puzzle out I managed to beat it.

(2 edits)

If you click on him  when he's naked, he gets his clothes back for a second!

update: beat it! had fun

(bottom line of credits seems a bit garbled though for me? Safari on macos...)

está re bueno Daniel!

Great spin on minesweeper!


-"Fear the Mimic"
-Uh, un cofre!.
-Bueno, un Mimic...

Muy piola :)


Buenísimo Dani

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