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How do you get the max score? Clearing everything on the board doesn't do it.


Hey there, little fella!


you killed the doggie :(

im evil >:)

I think it's gone now :'(


So what does the dog do? I know it appears in the corners and appears on the end screen if spared but does it do anything else?


Jorge flexes if you click on him with no health and not enough gold to level up

Juego brillante, me encantó

my new time record!


The REAL perfect ending


I think the maximum theoretical score you can get while saving those three is 325 (since you need the heals that Romeo and Juliet drop to be able to clear everything else).

Kudos, como comenté hace días en algún comentario traspapelado.
¿Esta versión está programada para ser siempre terminable? Suelo encontrarme trancado muchas veces, no me pasaba con la anterior =(
¿Dónde se reportan los bugs y sugerencias?
Recomendaría poner el cuadro de números en el centro de donde se clickea con el botón derecho (excetuando los bordes), y que sean en 3 columnas, como la zona de numeral de un teclado o teléfono.

Me gusta que le hayas dedicado más al juego, y que sigas en ello. Cada nuevo detalle aporta. Aunque si siendo que perdí un poco el factor diversión pues al trancarme siento que tengo que recurrir a adivinar, como pasa con el Buscaminas original de Microsoft...

(1 edit) (+1)

google translate says:  
Kudos, as I mentioned days ago in some misplaced comment.
Is this version scheduled to always be terminable? I usually find myself stuck many times, it didn't happen with the previous one =(  

Where are bugs and suggestions reported?  I would recommend putting the number box in the center of where you click with the right button (excluding the edges), and that they be in 3 columns, like the numeral area of a keyboard or telephone. 

 I like that you have dedicated more to the game, and that you continue at it. Every new detail contributes. Although, since I lost the fun factor a little, when I get stuck I feel like I have to resort to guessing, like what happens with the original Microsoft Minesweeper...


I wish there was a way to play the old version. I downloaded the zip but it just gets stuck on the rainbow bars on every browser (firefox/edge/chrome) even with no extensions, on multiple computers. The new version gets stuck the same way. :(

Same. The downloaded version doesn't appear to work on either Firefox or Chromium.


Wait what?



(1 edit) (+1)

I’m wondering, is the difficulty incrementally increases? Yesterday I could have max. score quite regularly after the update too, now I can even beat the game. :D Is the puppy just an easter egg, or should I find its purpose? Edit: Oh, I see now, it is always appear. So I think the update made the game harder.


I love the new version; although it was confusing at first as I kept forgetting that a lot of the monsters now have different values. Thanks for the quality-of-life improvements like the new way of flagging/marking squares and the timer. I do wish that it was possible to flag the mimic, though. Also is there still no 'play again' button after a win or am I just being dense and missing it?

(Also a friend of mine got confused by the image featured in the instructions; maybe show the arrows pointing to the blank squares to show that it is counting the values of those squares even though the value is zero)

so that gnome glitch still works


this version is lot harder then the previous version and a lot more fun ^_^.

boludo que juegazo!!!! Me costó un Perú pero hoy logré pasarlo. 

Al igual que en Dnd: cuando sos nivel alto (post 10) se vuelve muy fácil, pero llegar al nivel 10 es más difícil que la mierda. 

Muy bueno, y la bandera BI del final fue una caricia 


Deleted 34 days ago

don't blame the game, blame the gamer

(2 edits) (+2)

真的很喜欢这款游戏,非常好玩儿!着迷了,哈哈!这里是我游玩过程中摸索出来的规律。 抱歉,我上学的时候没有好好学习英文…

I really love this game—it’s so much fun! I’m totally hooked, haha! Here are some patterns I discovered while playing. Sorry, I didn’t study English well in school… I’m using GPT for this, so I hope it doesn’t sound too weird!


The game doesn't contain 13 heart scrolls... The four scrolls hidden in chests/Romeo and Juliet count towards the total 9...

Also Romeo and Juliet are always mirrored... For example if Romeo is three tiles from the left then Juliet is three tiles from the right...


I really enjoyed it.

Only personal gripe with the new version: Not sure I'm a fan of the debris left by the broken bricks.


I think the debris and the open chests are useful for tracking their related objects if you haven't found them. imagine if we had it with the rats, gargoyles, r&j, and whatever else uses that.


I totally love that detail


Finally managed to full clear the board in the latest version. Had some decent luck (early XP chest + many low level monsters in initial area) and I tried to optimize as much as possible. Still ended up having just enough HP to break 3 walls and level up one last time. Definitely much harder than the first version.


255 on the new version. I love the new way to mark tiles, and the additional monsters.


Ese gnomo es pariente del de Fidel Dungeon Rescue
Benmergverse confirmed


es EXACTAMENTE el mismo


It looks like the happiness system is not always producing the desired result.

Below is one of the examples. I've also met non-paired gargoyles and walls


Yes, I will have to give it more compute.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Great game. 1.1.5 seems pretty hard to 100%.

(2 edits) (+3)

Gnome is bugged, once he moves to a tile he removes your mark.
So if you cover whole map with ? for example, as soon as you find the gnome once you'll be know where he moves because the mark will disappear.



So…if I spend 2½ minutes doing the mind-numbingly boring task of covering the board in question marks, I can get a slight advantage in a game I usually beat in about 10 minutes?


Show me how you beat it in 10 minutes


I’m not savvy enough to make some kind of 10-minute playthrough GIF, but I don’t think that 10 minutes will seem outlandish to anyone who has been playing a couple games a day since Dragonsweeper launched. I’m definitely making more fatal blunders since the update because I have some muscle memory that is no longer helpful, but among games I win, my average is probably about 9:50.


press X to doubt


Dunno what to tell you, but I can say that after dinner tonight I respawned the board until I had the Gnome in sight, and I went ahead and spent two minutes covering the rest of board in question marks (the cleared diamond saves the ½ minute) and my takeaway is…

chasing the Gnome is fun!

It’s dumb and silly and awesome. No idea if I will ever do it again, but it’s a lark and I think you for sharing the idea.

(1 edit) (+1)

I just beat it in under 7 minutes. The older version was easier and people could probably get this time regularly with a perfect score.

I dont have time for that.

Good catch

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Hey Daniel this is super awesome. Literally. I'm in awe.

There's [redacted], is that legit or do we need to get the pitchforks out?


Not legit but lets just not give it attention

It's the first Google result, which is pretty unfortunate. It doesn't even seem to be the only site freebooting the game, so perhaps adding a disclaimer to the description that this is the only website where the game is officially hosted on would be a good idea, just to clear up confusion for anyone who happens to see it somewhere else.


I saw you published v1.1.15 but I think the guardians are still bugged.


Will fix

very unique take on minesweeper, really enjoyed it!



Nice! Any tips for the full clear? I haven't pulled it off since the update even though I could get it every time in the last version.


Request: could I be blocked from misclicking on a tile i've labeled as having a tougher monster than my own current health

I love the new update, especially the UI improvements. I might not get all strategies but I think there is more luck involved to know exactly in which tile the Mine King is at the moment when it is possible to kill him (which I find crucial for max. score) Also, the there is now a small amount of time when there is no music.


is there a way to make romeo and juliet be together? 


This gives me an idea...

(2 edits) (+9)

Changes from update: 

- Minotaurs shifted from P7 to P6, replacing Snakes 
- Guardians made to replace minotaurs as P7 
- Walls now always take the same amount of hits and drop the same amount 
- Dragon decreased from P15 to P13
- Mimic increased from P10 to P11
- Mine King decreased from P11 to P10
- Mines now drop 3 gold instead of 2
- Added Romeo and Juliet as P9
- Now start with one orb
- Increased starting reveal area
- Remains of chests and walls now shown

Enemy Rules:
- Mine King(10) will always spawn in one of the corners and drop the scroll that removes the mines.
- Rats will always face towards the Rat King(5), who drops the scroll that shows all rats
- Purple mage(1) will always spawn on the edge and has 5 Purple Slimes(8) surrounding it, drops the scroll that shows all slimes
- Gargoyles(4) will always spawn in pairs and face towards each other - 2 Watchers(5) will spawn and hide surrounding tiles in a range of 2 into ?
- Mimic(11) will drop 11 gold, and will show in tiles.
- Romeo(9) and Juliet(9) will always spawn in the same place reflected in the y axis
- A Guardian(7) will spawn in each quadrant of the map, which is shown on their shields
- Walls spawn in pairs and will take 3 hits to destroy, drop 1 gold
- Gnome teleports to an empty space when found, can only be killed when no empty spaces remain
- Minotaurs(6) and chests will spawn together, the chest spawning in the 3 spaces behind the minotaur


Another future feature request suggestion, following up on various ideas for different difficulties: a custom mode where you can select a board size, monster population, and dragon HP (within certain size limits), and then export the configuration as a string that another player can import. A lot of these combinations would probably be silly and not playable, but it would be cool if people could create and share the interesting ones.

Since the update I can't clear the board - I'm always just a bit shy of health for being able to level up one last time! I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is... are there secret ways to get more hearts? (Besides the lvl 9 skelly guys, whomst I love.) Still a very fun game!

Have you tried it since the Mine King was re-re-adjusted to HP 10? It was much harder when he was HP 11, but now it seems comparable to the old version in difficulty.

My general strategy: in the early game, I try to open as much of the board as possible (so I favour multiple small monsters over one big one, and favour revealing squares over clearing known monsters). I never waste a heart -- if I have no other safe moves, I punch a wall. I try to reveal the monsters with the special scrolls (especially the Mine King) as soon as I can -- exploring the board helps to narrow down where they are. The sooner I can blow up the mines, the sooner I can get their points and make the board safer to clear! In the end game I try to clear the monsters largest first, so that I can use up exact numbers of hearts before levelling or using a heart scroll. The walls are more predictable now; in the previous version I would clear them before the lowest-level monsters, but now I leave them for last.


Maybe a dumb question but running the downloaded version gives me "Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure" on Firefox and fails to load. How can I run this game offline? Thanks

For security reasons, browsers impose limitations on pages that you open locally through your filesystem. You have to use a local webserver. There are many options for setting one up permanently, but if you have Python 3 installed a very simple temporary option is to run python3 -m http.server inside the directory. Tested on Linux; should work as-is on Mac; on Windows you may need to add the Python executable to your path or use the full path to it.


Either the 10 HP mine king makes a huge difference or the latest update rebalanced something else -- I'm suddenly regularly able to clear the board again. :D

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